Behind the Seams with A.K. Rikk's: Meet Tim Eisch

Behind the Seams with A.K. Rikk's: Meet Tim Eisch

Today as a part of our Behind the Seams with A.K. Rikk's series, we would like to introduce you to our Online Specialist, Tim Eisch! Tim is the latest addition to the A.K. Rikk's family and we are thrilled to have him! We asked him what brought him to A.K. Rikk's and what makes him tick during his Behind the Seams with A.K. Rikk's interview!  

What initially drew you to A.K. Rikk’s?

Jim and his wife would always come into the restaurant I worked at prior to here, and they were always so kind. Everyone I met from A.K. Rikk’s while working there had such a good energy. I have always been very interested in the fashion industry, so when this opportunity came along it seemed like the perfect fit! 

What is your favorite part of working at A.K. Rikk’s?

Everyone here has been so nice and welcoming. I also admire the fact that this is such a progressive business. Everyone’s opinion is important, and everyone’s voice is heard and valued! 

If you were stranded on a deserted island, what 3 inanimate objects would you want with you? 

I would have a set of golf clubs, a fishing pole, and a bottle of my favorite scotch - Bruichladdich Black Art!

What is your most prized possession?

I have two pocket watches from both sets of my grandparents that are very important to me. My maternal grandparents gave me their's which is a family heirloom. And I was given my paternal grandfather’s pocket watch after he passed. 

If you could spend an hour in the company of any famous person, living or deceased, who would it be? And why? 

I would choose Steve Yzerman! He was one of the toughest to play in the NHL. I admire him because he was a class act both on and off the ice. Even since he retired from playing, he has been a successful Office Manager too! 

This concludes this Behind the Seams with A.K. Rikk's interview. Next time you stop in, be sure to say "hello" to Tim! 

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